

We conduct research with our partners in the fields of binders and glass in order to do pioneering work here.



Further information on career opportunities, lectures, theses or the course advisor can be found here.

About Us

About Us

All scientific staff, technicians and specialists from our institute can be found here.

Welcome to the Institute of Non-Metallic Materials

The INW has set itself the goal of promoting pioneering work in the field of binders, ceramics, glasses and related materials with theoretical, fundamentally oriented and technological focuses. We have established close relationships with partners in industry, research institutions and universities, ranging from loose collaboration to extensive project management. Numerous studies are funded in the programs of the AiF, BMBF, DFG and EU.

Clausthal University of Technology - Institute of Non-Metallic Materials - Zehntnerstraße 2a / Building A 3 - 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Office Glass and Glass Technology Department Tel.: +49-5323-72-2463