Representative of the institute

Representative of the institute

Radiation Protection Agent

Head of Institute Prof. Dr. Joachim Deubener 3709

Radiation protection Officer

Michael Zellmann 2474

Representation of Radiation Protection Officer

Dietlind Nordhausen 3670

Safety Officer

Thomas Peter 2079

Hazardous materials Officer

Christian Rust 4908

Order according to §10 occupational safety law
First aid

Ralf Putzig 2890
Michael Zellmann 2474


Ralf Putzig * 2890
Christian Rust * 4908


Geb. 1200 – DG Stefanie Meyer 2354
Geb. 1200 – 2. OG Christian Rust 4908
Geb. 1200 – 1. OG Sabrina Schildhauer 2463
Geb. 1200 – EG Thomas Peter 2079
Geb. 1300 – Ralf Putzig 2890

State of April 2024

* Representative for fire